April 8, 2015

Annual meeting of ASGGN in Vancouver, Canada

In August 2014, 80 people connected to the Animal Selection, Genetics and Genomics Network met for a satellite meeting attached to the World Conference of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production in Vancouver, Canada. The meeting included: (1) updates of the working groups of the Network, followed by (2) updates on projects related to feed efficiency and methane emissions around the world. After lunch two inspiring scientists were asked to update us on their ground breaking research projects. The meeting ended with a discussion on mitigation versus adaptation. A new working group of the Network was created, and their aim is to write a white paper on adaptation strategies, which will be presented at the next annual meeting in February 2016, attached to the GGAA conference in Melbourne, Australia. Below is a Download button for a zip folder containing the minutes where the main outcomes of each presentation can be read, and also a pdf of the presentations.

Thank you all for your active contribution to the meeting, and we hope to collaborate further in the future.


Apr 9, 2015


Vancouver, Canada


Yvette de Haas


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