Tad Sonstegard: tad.sonstegard@ars.usda.gov
Tad's research focuses on development of genomic tools to characterize the structure and function of the bovine genome, and the application of these tools using novel statistical methodology to improve and accelerate genetic improvement of cattle for traits of economic importance. As an outcome, tools and knowledge will be delivered to industry partners that facilitate genome-wide selection for immediate application to genetic improvement. These efforts will be magnified by impact on the genome assemblies of other ruminant species; where the importance of water buffalo, sheep, and goats in providing economic security in underdeveloped countries cannot be overstated.
The National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle is a multiyear USDA funded project to develop selection tools and better understanding of feed efficiency in beef production. Because feed intake is a technologically challenging and expensive trait to record on large numbers of animals we expect most of the selection for increased feed efficiency to occur through selection on genetic marker information. Our goal is to identify the genetic markers associated across multiple breeds with feed intake in the beef production system.
This project will utilize genomic DNA tests in combination with feed intake and end product quality information from 8,000 animals representing 8 breeds:
Beyond developing genetic marker tests for use in multiple breeds of cattle, we will also conduct research to help us better understand feed efficiency:
We are also working with selected seed stock producers in multiple breeds to help them understand genetic marker technology and how to utilize it within their selection goals. As marker tests become available for feed intake in their breeds we will work with this group of producers to incorporate selection for feed intake as part of their multiple trait selection strategy.
Professor of Animal Science
Extension Beef Specialist
Director, Iowa Beef Center
Iowa State University
313 Kildee Hall
Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-294-1058
Fax: 515-294-3795
Email: dloy@iastate.edu