
March 10, 2016
On the 14th and 16th of February the annual meeting of ASGGN and the Joint Network, respectively held meetings in conjunction with the GGAA conference in Melbourne, Australia ASGGN annual meeting On February 14th, we..
December 1, 2015
Information about 2 network meetings at GGAA conference, Melbourne, Australia Dear all, Early 2016 the GGAA conference will be held in Melbourne, Australia ( The networks within the..
October 13, 2015
DEAR ALL, I would like to share a few messages with you: Joint network meeting in Reading, UK (June 2015) GRA-LRG Newsletter Upcoming ASGGN meeting during GGAA-conference on Sunday February 14, 2016
August 28, 2015
SATELLITE – GENETICS OF ENTERIC METHANE AND FEED EFFICIENCY SUNDAY FEBRUARY 14, 8:30 AM – 4 PM - PULLMAN MELBOURNE ALBERT PARK REGISTRATION FEE: $100.00 This 1-day satellite meeting will cover technical aspects of application of genetic technologies to reduce enteric methane production and improve feed efficiency. The meeting will be a mixture of updates of working groups that target specific questions, invited speakers to share their experiences and results, and open discussions on the contribution that genetics can make to greenhouse gas mitigation and adaptation strategies. The meeting is hosted by the Animal Selection, Genetics and Genomics Network (ASGGN). The network provides a forum for scientists working in the area of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ruminant livestock using animal selection, genetics and genomics techniques. The network was initiated at a May 2011 workshop in Auckland, NZ and endorsed by the Livestock Research Group of the Global Research Alliance on agricultural greenhouse gases. More information can be read at . We will place an agenda for this Satellite meeting on this website closer to the meeting If you have further questions, please contact We hope to see you in Melbourne! DATE Apr 29, 2015 LOCATION Melbourne CONTACT Yvette de Haas EMAIL
August 18, 2015
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE STEPS TO SUSTAINABLE LIVESTOCK 12TH ‑ 15TH JANUARY 2016 BRISTOL, UK Following the high level of interest and feedback generated by the Global Farm Platform position paper published as the Comment ‘ Steps to Sustainable Livestock ’ (Nature 507, 32-34, 2014), we are planning an International Conference on sustainable ruminant livestock production to be held in Bristol 12-15 January 2016. This event will be held under the joint auspices of the Global Farm Platform , the Food Security and Land Research Alliance and the University of Bristol's Cabot Institute , with financial support from the Global Innovation Initiative and the Worldwide Universities Network . The conference will focus on seven themes based on the headings in the position paper. 
July 9, 2015
IMPROVING EFFICIENCY OF PRODUCTION AND REDUCING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Westin Hotel Warsaw, Poland 14:00 1st September to 16:00 2nd September, 2015 The aim of the workshop is to present the outputs from the project and discuss how they can be implemented to derive win-win solutions that benefit both the efficiency of ruminant production in the region and the environment, particularly in reducing enteric methane emissions. The workshop, which is free to attend, will be invaluable to farming and breeding organisations, extension workers, research scientists, NGOs and policy makers particularly from Poland, Baltic States, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine. The workshop will follow a full day session at the 66th EAAP Annual Meeting on Climate smart cattle farming and breeding. This session is jointly organised by the Cattle Commission of EAAP , RuminOmics and the METHAGENE project. By registering for the 2-day RuminOmics workshop you can obtain a special reduced day rate of 630PLN (approximately 150EUR) to attend the EAAP session on Climate Smart Cattle Farming and Breeding. The deadline for registration for the 2-day workshop is 15 August 2015.
April 20, 2015
GGAA 2016 - MELBOURNE 14-18 FEBRUARY 2016 Call for Abstracts Now Open Submissions are warmly invited for presentations at GGAA 2016. Submissions are sought for oral and poster presentations which address one or more of the following themes: Theme 1: Global perspectives and policy Theme 2: Improvements in the measurement of methane and nitrous oxide Theme 3: Advances in understanding biology and biochemistry of non-CO 2 emissions from livestock Theme 4: New advances in mitigation of emissions from ruminant livestock Theme 5: Mitigation of methane and nitrous oxide from excreta and manure management Theme 6: Mitigation in practice Theme 7: Whole farm systems modeling of mitigation options Theme 8: Advances in process level modeling of methane and nitrous oxide Full submission details can be found here . Abstract Submissions close 1 July 2015. Registration Now Open Registration for GGAA 2015 is now open! All fees are quoted in Australian dollars ($AUD) and are inclusive of 10% GST (Goods and Services Tax). Early bird registration closes 14 October 2015. To register or for more information, click here
April 8, 2015
Annual meeting of ASGGN in Vancouver, Canada In August 2014, 80 people connected to the Animal Selection, Genetics and Genomics Network met for a satellite meeting attached to the World Conference of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production in Vancouver, Canada. The meeting included: (1) updates of the working groups of the Network, followed by (2) updates on projects related to feed efficiency and methane emissions around the world. After lunch two inspiring scientists were asked to update us on their ground breaking research projects. The meeting ended with a discussion on mitigation versus adaptation. A new working group of the Network was created, and their aim is to write a white paper on adaptation strategies, which will be presented at the next annual meeting in February 2016, attached to the GGAA conference in Melbourne, Australia. Below is a Download button for a zip folder containing the minutes where the main outcomes of each presentation can be read, and also a pdf of the presentations. Thank you all for your active contribution to the meeting, and we hope to collaborate further in the future.
April 8, 2015
Early February I announced a joint network meeting, to be held in Reading, UK. Attached is the agenda we have set up for the meeting; from ‘genetics’ there is currently no network meeting planned on the Thursday morning. However, the other network meetings can be joint as well. If you have interest in participating, please return the registration form to me before April 10 th . As you can see in the programme, there is some time on Friday morning to present projects. If you are interested to inform others about your most exciting project related to GHG in 5 minutes, please indicate that in the form too. We can then set up the final agenda. Hope to see many of you in Reading.
July 17, 2014
Agenda for the annual ASGGN meeting to be held Sunday August 17th 2014 in the Cypress Room at the Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver, Canada, can be downloaded below. DATE Jul 18, 2014  LOCATION Vancover, Canada
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