ASGGN & LRG Satellite Meetings GGAA 2016

December 1, 2015


Dear all,

Early 2016 the GGAA conference will be held in Melbourne, Australia ( The networks within the Livestock Research Groups will meet at several occasions:


  1. The ASGGN will meet on Sunday, February 14th, 2016 (9.00-16.00h)
  2. A joint network meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 16th, 2016 (16.30-20.30h)


  • The aim of the ASGGN meeting is to provide a forum for discussion when using genetic selection as a mitigation strategy. During the meeting we will be focusing on proxies, microbial population and adaptation (see attached agenda). However, we do encourage you to bring in other questions you deal with during the general discussions too.
  • When you register for the GGAA conference you can also register for this meeting by ticking the box “genetics of enteric methane and feed efficiency” ( If you are not attending the conference but wish to participate in this meeting, you can register by contacting the organisers ( and tell them you want to register for this Satellite only.
  • At the end of the network meeting, a Management meeting will be held. One aspect then is the election of the new convenor. I was elected at the GGAA meeting in June 2013, and I have fulfilled this position with great pleasure during the past 2.5 years. However, I think it is time for a new energy. If you would like to be the new convenor for the next 2 to 3 years, please send me an email before January 1st 2016 (you can also be nominated if you cannot physically be in Melbourne at this time).
Agenda ASGGN 2016


  •  A first joint network meeting was held in Reading (UK) in June 2015. The participants indicated it would be good to continue these meetings in order to (1) Develop/improve communication and collaboration among GRA Livestock Research Group Networks; and (2) Explore interdisciplinary approaches for tackling the issue of greenhouse gas emissions from animal agriculture: identifying challenges, looking for synergies, creating collaborative research and funding opportunities, and defining remaining interdisciplinary questions.
  • Attached is a registration form. There is no registration through the conference-website required for this meeting. If you would like to participate and contribute to the meeting, please fill in the registration form and reply to me. Based on these registrations, the final agenda will be made up, consisting of scientific in-depth presentations and time for discussion to define synergies and collaborations. This will be sent to the participants of the meeting a few weeks before the meeting.
GRA Registration 2016

Looking forward seeing many of you in Melbourne.

Best wishes


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