October 13, 2015


I would like to share a few messages with you:

  1. Joint network meeting in Reading, UK (June 2015)
  2. GRA-LRG Newsletter
  3. Upcoming ASGGN meeting during GGAA-conference on Sunday February 14, 2016

Joint network meeting

The first joint meeting of the Networks of the LRG was held on the 26th June 2015.

Research networks of the GRA Livestock Research Group (LRG) held a joint workshop at the University of Reading, United Kingdom, on 26th June 2015. The objectives were to improve communication and collaboration amongst the Networks and explore interdisciplinary approaches for tackling greenhouse gas emissions from animal agriculture. The workshop was attended by 52 participants representing 18 countries, from Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. Presentations on each of the Networks and scientific presentations made for a very informative morning session and the afternoon breakout discussions addressed the benefits and roadblocks to enhanced collaboration within and between Networks and ideas for ways to increase joint activities.

Report-joint LRGworkshop

The workshop report which details the key discussions, action points and outcomes from the workshop. The report is aimed towards all Network members and researchers/research funders interested in the links between animal health and GHG mitigation. Please share the report with interested colleagues.

GRA-LRG newsletter

For those that have not received it directly from the secretariat of the Livestock Research Group, the latest newsletter is available at

Download Newsletter

The publication includes the following articles:

  • Update from the Co-Chairs
  • Update from the Livestock Research Group meeting
  • Towards an international research program on soil carbon sequestration and food security
  •  ‘Feeding the Planet: Energy for Life’ at Expo Milano 2015
  • Significant steps towards reducing methane emissions from livestock
  • Collaborating on global mitigation potential: an update on progress
  • Update from the Research Networks
  • LEARN PhD researchers find ways to help farmers increase nutrient use efficiency when applying farm effluent

Upcoming ASGGN meeting

The next ASGGN meeting will be held on Sunday, February 14th, 2016 attached to the GGAA conference in Melbourne, Australia. We are setting up a very interesting programme in which we cover topics related to (a) direct and indirect measurements of methane; (b) microbial profiles; and (c) adaptation versus mitigation. When you would like to join this meeting, please don’t forget to tick that box when registering for the GGAA conference (it is called “Pre conference workshop – Satellite – Genetics on enteric methane and feed efficiency”).

We hope to see many of you there, and we are looking forward to a fruitful and interesting day filled with discussions and (new) collaborations.


Best wishes,


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