Methane emitted from grazing ruminant livestock is produced by gut microbes. Differences in emissions measured between individual host animals are heritable and therefore can be selected for.
Phenotyping to rank individuals animals for their methane output is an incredibly complex proposition.
In order to make meaningful comparisons between species and countries we need to be measuring an agreed phenotype in a way that is consistent. Therefore, we a minimum set of standards and/or common procedures and protocols.
Following common principles will ultimately enable us to share data and genetic parameter estimates.
At it's Cairns Meeting in July, the ASGGN formed a Methane Phenotyping Working Group to review current phenotyping methods, and to establish a common protocol(s).
Working Group members are: Hutton Oddy, Australia (Chair); John Basarab, Canada; Kristi Cammack, USA; Adrian Cookson, New Zealand Marcos Vinicius da Silva, Brazil; Yvette de Haas, Netherlands; Ben Hayes, Australia; Roger Hegarty, Australia Jan Lassen, Denmark; John McEwan, New Zealand; Steve Miller, Canada; Cesar Pinares, New Zealand; Natalie Pickering, New Zealand; Grant Shackell, New Zealand.
The first meeting of the MPWG is scheduled for early September 2012.
Sep 11, 2012
Hutton Oddy